Here are some commonly asked questions


We do not offer refunds of any kind for any reason. This includes leaving town, injuries, and any other reason, including forced closures due to pandemics or catastrophe outside of the gym’s control. Please be sure before you buy.


Unfortunately not. 6 months is more than adequate to attend a gym 10 or 20 times. The discount is offered with this in mind. If you don't plan on using your pass in that time frame, then purchasing drop ins would be more appropriate. Passes will be extended if the gym is forced to close. But for no other reason.

Can I get a refund on my pass if I am injured?

We do not offer refunds on any passes. See above. Our job is get our clients fit and healthy, injuries do not prevent this. In rare cases, acute injuries require time off (surgeries, wounds to heal, etc….) Those are evaluated on a case by case basis. However, a cast on one leg may prevent you from skiing, but not going to the gym. If you buy a pass with a 12 month commitment, pleases be prepared to train in all types of conditions. Believe me, if you have a broken leg, you’ll be extremely happy you can participate in a training program, because there isn’t a lot out there to keep you active with a cast on.

We do make 1 exception here-
If you are hospitalized, pregnant, or injured, and require significant amount of time away from the gym, we can freeze your pass for a minimum of 9 weeks, and a maximum of 9 months. This is also eligible if you just need a break! Only eligible once per Membership Term.

I am sick, can you freeze my pass?

We are not in the business of freezing passes. Unfortunately, just like buying a ski pass, if you are sick, they do not offer credit or extend the season. We do have a long term pass freeze if necessary.

If you are hospitalized, pregnant, or injured, and require significant amount of time away from the gym, we can freeze your pass for a minimum of 9 weeks, and a maximum of 9 months. This is also eligible if you just need a break! Only eligible once per Membership Term.

I am on a 4 week billing cycle, but will be going on vacation, can I freeze my pass?

Yes, any time you purchase a membership, short term pass freezes are detailed here. The cost to freeze your pass is $5. In order to qualify for the freeze, with the details which should include the following. Your last day at the gym, and your first day back.

Any freeze, time off, or other pass request must be done so in writing 5 days before you wish those changes to take place. Verbal requests can easily be forgotten and have no paper trail and are not accepted. Freezes cannot be backdated, so please be sure to get them to us with plenty of time to process them in to your account. As much as we are here for you, expect a time delay for administration. See our pass freeze page for details.

We do not credit your pass for time missed. If you miss a week, and would like to freeze your pass, it would be from that date forward, and would not apply retroactively.

Freeze Limitations

Please visit our pass freeze page for details. 

Cancelling your membership:

Pass freezes must be done via our website, and 21 days prior to your next bill. For more details, click here.

I bought a 10x OR 20X pass, and haven’t used all of my visits, can I get a refund? Or can I transfer my visits to someone else?

No, we do not issue refunds. And passes are non-transferable.

I bought a 10x pass OR 20X, and it is expired, can I extend the expiry date?

No, 10x or 20x passes are intended to be used in a 6 month period. If you go beyond a year, it is no longer valid.

Can I transfer my membership to someone else?

No. Passes are non-transferable.

Foundations FAQ

I am really fit, can I join classes?

No. The Foundations program is to teach proper safety and standards of the exercises we use in classes. Squats, deadlifts, presses, snatches, clean and jerks, along with a variety of gymnastics movements. If you already train these movements, you can contact us to schedule an orientation where we can assess what the appropriate course of action is. This will consist of a 1 hour session, where you will be assessed on your ability to execute safely the movements we use in the program. We are not testing your fitness level, because that has no bearing on whether you are able to forego the Foundation classes. If you are competent in all the movements and are prepared for intense training, then you will be able to join classes. That is what the assessment will evaluate.

I want to start right away! How do I do that?

Start by contacting the gym to schedule a free Orientation today. We want you training with us as quickly as possible too. Once the Orientation is done we can start with scheduling in your foundations as quickly as possible.

I am a CrossFit superstar in the making, can I just join?

If you have never done CrossFit before, we won’t let you just drop in to Crossfit classes. Schedule your free orientation so that we can assess exactly what your next steps are. Perhaps you are a personal trainer, fitness instructor, or a professional athlete. We do not need to take you through the foundation program if you know everything we are trying to teach you. All you need to do is demonstrate this in our orientation. This is for your safety and knowledge, and is also looking out for the best interest of our existing clients.

I signed up for a class, and didn’t show, is there a charge?

You will lose your session on a punch card and on a limited class pass. If you wish to keep that visit, contact us a minimum of 1 hour prior to the start of class.

Private Session:

If you booked a private and fail to show, will I get charged? Yes, 100% of the fee.

If you cancel the day of your private session within the same day, you will be charged 60% of the cost of your session.

Any session booked before 10am, you have to cancel before 6pm in order for it be considered an early cancellation.


If I cancel a session greater than 24hours in advance, will I get charged?


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